For us, it is important that you understand each stage you will go through as a hair transplant patient day by day, so you can have more confidence in the process. Here is a detailed breakdown:
Day zero refers to the day the transplant is performed. The patient will have a bandage on their head. The main priorities are to rest well, eat healthily, and sleep in the correct position. In our article “How to Sleep After a Hair Transplant,” we provide some general recommendations to help you rest without damaging the recipient area. You should also keep your body hydrated and avoid smoking and alcohol. Hydrate the recipient area with whatever your doctor prescribes.
On the first day, it is likely that some scabs will start to form in the grafted area. You should take your medication and follow the hydration recommendations given by your specialist, and continue sleeping without touching the area. During these days, you will notice that the donor area heals very quickly and does not require rigorous care. Do not wash your hair.
On this day, you can wash your scalp very carefully using a pH-neutral soap. Remember, you still should not rub the area; instead, do it extremely gently. A good tactic is to wet a sponge with soapy water and squeeze it over your scalp to avoid damaging the area. To rinse, you can soak the sponge in water only and squeeze it over your head. Do not wet your head directly under the water stream.
During these days, there will be many small scabs, which will start to fall off from day 10 onwards. The exact day they fall off will depend on the healing process of each scalp. You can continue washing your hair very carefully and sleeping without touching the pillow.
From this day onwards, it’s considered that the follicles are now in a secure zone. However, it’s still important to continue caring for the area by avoiding wearing helmets, swimming, or engaging in intense exercise.
Avoid sweating and direct exposure to sunlight. Some patients may experience itching in the hair transplant area; this is due to the healing process and is not a cause for alarm. Using a moisturizing cream or medication can help soothe it.
Consult your doctor for recommendations. Around the second week, you’ll be able to sleep as you normally would, and when bathing, you can gently massage the area. Some patients may experience the shedding of new hair during the third or fourth week. If this happens to you during these weeks, don’t panic! (We’ll explain this in the next paragraph.) The scabs will gradually disappear.
During this time, the first scabs and new hairs (not the hair follicle) will begin to fall out. This is part of the postoperative process, as the scalp is adjusting to something it didn’t have before.
This phase is known as “Shock loss” and is a side effect of hair transplantation. This period can be considered the most challenging and slow for the patient, not physically (because there is no discomfort), but emotionally, as hair loss begins, which can be stressful and frustrating for most people.
The wait to see new growth can be tedious. After this time, no rigorous care is necessary.
This is when the hair begins to grow again. Now, the patient enters the stage where the new hair is the favorable result of the hair transplant, which will not fall out again! Patience is key. It’s a slow, progressive process that varies for each person.
At first, the hair will grow out thin with lower density, but over time it will become thicker and denser. In time, you’ll say, “It was worth the wait”.
Hasta esta temporada se puede observar considerablemente los avances. El rebrote de pelo es evidente y los cabellos son más gruesos. La alopecia ha desaparecido y hay una sensación de mayor densidad capilar en la zona receptora. El cabello continuará creciendo y lo más importante es que ¡no se volverá a caer!
Almendras: son un fruto rico en vitamina E, la cual ayudar a proteger las células contra los daños causados. Fortalece, hidrata y nutre el cabello.
Salmón: es un alimentorico en ácidos grasos Omega-3 y fortalece los folículos. Es rico en vitamina b12 y ayuda a reducir la fase de caída.
Lentejas: esta legumbre es rica en hierro y zinc, nutrientes que aseguran la circulación sanguínea del cuero cabelludo.
Espinacas: este vegetal verde es rico en vitamina A, C, ácido fólico, hierro y zinc. Se ha demostrado que la falta de estos nutrientes favorecen a la alopecia.
Es normal tener dudas, sentir temor y puede que hasta la razón te diga que el realizarse un injerto capilar es un proceso doloroso, pero la verdad es que con buenos cuidados y una clínica adecuada esto se aleja de la realidad.
En Capilea, nuestro equipo profesional resolverá todas tus preguntas para que estés informado de cada etapa y obtengas resultados favorables. Contamos con 2 centros médicos capilares, uno en Tijuana y otro en Monterrey. ¡Pregúntanos por nuestras promociones de temporada!
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