Hair transplant: Why drive to Mexico instead of flying to turkey

How much does a hair transplant cost

Hair transplant can be quite pricey in the USA as most insurance plans don’t cover it. This has lead Americans suffering from hair loss to seek elsewhere. Therefore, Middle East has been dominating the hair transplant game for the past decade. Turkey, a popular destination for American medical tourists, has been the main destination for those seeking a cheap hair transplant procedure.

Nevertheless, there is a new heavy hitter approaching: Mexico is becoming the new hair restoration capital of the world, and here are the reasons why. This article will also discuss the varying costs of hair transplant (Mexico vs Turkey).

Hair transplant in America

Before we talk about hair transplant around the world, let’s see the average cost of hair transplant surgeries in America. As we mentioned before, most insurance plans don’t cover hair transplantation. The average cost Americans have to pay for a hair transplant is from $4,000 to $15,000. The keyword here being average.

A 5,000 follicles FUE (follicular unit extraction) graft could cost anything from $1,500 up to $50,000. That is a pretty steep price increase for Americans to pay for a hair transplant operation. This is why people tend to go out of the United States seeking for better hair transplant prices.

So far, Turkey has been the most popular destination for medical tourists seeking a hair transplant. While hair transplants have a more affordable price in Turkey than what can be found in the USA, adding all traveling expenses marks the cost up.

But, having great quality medical services, top notch hair transplant surgeons, and close to none traveling expenses, Mexico is the best option to get a hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant operations cost around the world.

The average Turkish hair transplant costs about $6,000 USD, but that is without taking in consideration any travelling expenses. One adult traveling from Los Angeles to Istanbul on economy can get a round flight for $1,000, plus a $100 a night stay in a 3 star hotel for a week would add $700 more.

This means that, even being just one adult traveling from Los Angeles to Turkey on economy and keeping it relatively cheap, getting a hair transplant in Turkey would actually cost almost $8,000. This is basically the same price as having a hair transplant in America.

Mexico, on the other hand, has all the quality for basically half that price. A hair transplant in Mexico cost as little as $1,500 and as much as $5,000 USD. The same adult in Los Angeles could just drive to Tijuana to treat their hair loss and be back for dinner the same day. It would cost a full gas tank, rounding at an average of just $60. It is even easier for people living in San Diego, as they could literally just walk to the hair transplant clinic and back.

Mexico is the best hair transplant destination, as it has the best quality and most affordable hair transplant price.

Hair transplant clinics in Mexico

Medical tourism in Mexico has been blooming recently. Everything from plastic surgery to hair transplants, the country has been proving to be a better alternative than other countries. Not only do hair transplants in Mexico have more affordable prices, the recovery period and after care services are top notch in Mexican hair transplant clinics.

Furthermore, it is easier to have a successful hair transplant in Mexico thanks to its experienced doctors. Each hair transplant clinic has a dedicated and experienced medical team that will handle every hair transplantation one that will have the desired outcome that’ll last for a lifetime.

Rest assured that hair transplant procedures in Mexico have the same, or even better, great quality than what Turkish hair transplant clinics can offer, at a fraction of the price. It has never been more affordable and easier.

A standard FUE hair transplant for men and women can last up to 8 hours, and all transplanted hair will last for a life time. While treatments could help prevent hair loss and fight thinning hair, they won’t make hair to grow back. A hair transplant is the best procedure to fully achieve hair restoration after severe balding. 

The healing process is quite simple and natural hair will start to grow back in a matter of weeks. Patients will be able to walk back home after any hair transplant, and the donor area will heal without leaving a noticeable scar.

Hair restoration could be a tough subject for some, and many might not even know where to start. Luckily, Capilea Tijuana offers a free online consultation for those looking to get a hair transplant or preventing further hair loss. In our hair transplant clinic, your hair is in great hands. Always remember: why fly to Turkey when you can drive to Mexico?