Hair is essential for some women because it can give them identity, femininity, and confidence. Female hair loss can cause shame and insecurity and in some cases, even depression. Have you considered getting a hair transplant procedure and recovering your confidence? In this article, we’ll explain to you the basics of hair transplants and more details that you should know about androgenetic alopecia.

More and more women dare to have a hair transplant to recover their hair. You must know that this process is straightforward and is done in one day in just a few hours.
First, what is a female hair transplant?
Female hair transplants relocate healthy hair follicles in zones with hair loss or areas with weak hairs. The back or sides of the head can be the donor site because these areas frequently have thicker, more abundant, and resistant follicles.
Techniques of hair transplantation FUE and FUSS
There are two main techniques for hair transplants, and they are very effective. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the method most used worldwide and does not require a scalpel. It consists of transferring stable donor hair with a micromotor and putting it in the zone with baldness. The time this procedure takes depends on how many hair follicles relocate, which can take from 2 hours to 8 hours.
FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) is faster than the abovementioned one.
It consists of transferring hair follicles through the dissection of a band of the scalp, also called a strip of the scalp. The main difference is the first procedure does the extraction one-to-one, and the second does it as a whole.

Ludwig scale: Degrees of female alopecia
We know that losing of a few hairs is not the same as many large sections lacking hair. For this reason, it’s essential to know the levels of alopecia, the cost and hours of the hair transplant procedure depend on these variants.
Grade I:
Mild We can see hair thinning with a close view of the scalp center. The loss is slight, and the hair is thinner. A long term can be considered grade III.
Grade II:
Moderate Hair loss is evident; there are certain areas without hair. Before, when you touched your hair, it felt dense, but now it has a minor proportion.
Grade III:
Extensive Extreme baldness on the top of the head is very visible.

How do I know if I am to be a good candidate for a hair transplant?
Almost all women can be perfect candidates, but it is essential to check with precision to warrant good results.
Generally, women should stop dyes and coloring treatments a month before the surgical hair restoration.
Hair transplants have become a trendy and great option for male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss to restore hair and confidence. Why not take advantage of it? It’s a very effective method for hair growth.
Capilea, the hair clinic for you.
We know that every case is unique, and because of this, Capilea evaluates every patient in an appointment.
We explain and resolve any doubts so that you feel safe during the process and get excellent results. We have two specialized hair clinics in Mexico, in Tijuana and Monterrey. We have a team with a lot of expertise in the area, and they are willing to help restore your hair and confidence.
We will provide all the information you need in this process. What are you waiting for? Make a free online appointment and recover your hair in Capilea. We are pleased to assist you!